Think big with measurement projects
“Measuring is knowing” and “The better prepared you are, the more successful you’ll be”. How can measurement variations and uncertainties for large projects be limited?

Promising, innovative noise solutions are regularly given the opportunity to prove their effectiveness in practice. A pilot project is being started in which the effect of the measure must be determined with measurements. The innovative measure is then compared to a reference situation without measures.
At M+P, we like to think big. We use the best equipment to identify the effect of the measure properly and accurately. But that’s not all. We like to map out all possible the effects. This means that, in such a pilot project, we literally and figuratively pull out all the stops.

Before a measurement project, we take a critical look at the situation and try to identify and control as many potential variations and uncertainties as possible. For example, weather conditions (temperature, humidity, wind, etc.) can have an impact during noise measurements. Even a difference in the source of the noise can determine the effect of the measurement. For example, a measurement that works well for passenger cars does not automatically work well for trucks.
The best way to limit variations is therefore to measure simultaneously at all desired positions. We use our own equipment for this. This gives us the opportunity to record the noise at decent distances (> 100 metres) on up to approx. 40 channels. All of this is therefore simultaneous and accurate. We can even perform stationary and mobile measurements synchronously.

We have a team with a critical eye (and ear) and a lot of experience with extensive measurement projects. If you have an idea, we can work with you to develop the optimal design of the test location. When drawing up the measurement plan, we identify the possible variations. As soon as the measurement plan is ready, we can, if necessary, carry out and analyse the measurements in the short term. After all, we have the people, experience and equipment in-house.