meetapparatuur bij Royal Flora Holland

Noise consultant to our neighbours: Royal Flora Holland

A stone's throw away from M+P's headquarters in Aalsmeer lies the enormous premises of flower auction Royal Flora Holland. We are proud to have been company advisor to this great neighbour for more than 30 years.

Huge Acoustic Fence

Royal Flora Holland is the largest flower auction in the world, and, in terms of surface area, the owner of the largest building in Europe. Even before entering the premises itself, you will encounter one of the most striking results of M+P's recommendations: an acoustic fence that is no less than one kilometre long and almost 8 metres high. 'This was the maximum height that could fit within the zoning plan,' explains consultant Thijs van Bon. ‘This wall protects the surrounding area from the noise of the numerous trucks transporting flowers all over Europe. It was a substantial investment, but has greatly reduced noise levels. People in the neighbourhood are delighted with it.'

One Permit After Another

This fence was one of the measures M+P recommended to help Royal Flora Holland obtain the necessary permits. 'Given Royal Flora Holland's continuous growth, new permits are required all the time,' says Thijs. ‘When one permit is granted, we start research for the next one.’

Fellow consultant Ronald Gijsel adds: 'The complicated thing is that nowhere near all the buildings are on the flower auction site itself. There are also many small partner companies. The rules are based on standard businesses, but this is where customisation is needed. Which is why we have already had numerous discussions to explain why we think noise levels are acceptable. In addition, we have drawn up a plan to keep noise under control even between permits, so that time-consuming permit applications aren't required with each change.'

Vibrating Trolleys

Besides the surrounding area, employees at the flower auction themselves are also protected against hearing damage due to the noisy working environment. Here we are talking about, for example, the long hauling of metal trolleys that rumble by with so-called casks, or flower buckets. Thijs: ‘Uneven floors generate the most noise. Which is why we have recommended avoiding expansion joints as much as possible and opting for smooth floors.' Ronald: ‘This also helps to reduce vibrations for those on the electric tow tractors moving the trolleys. We have also measured this.’

Excellent Critical Questions

Thijs and Ronald are extremely proud that, after more than 30 years, M+P is still company advisor to Royal Flora Holland. 'It is extraordinary that they have trusted us for so long,' says Thijs. 'They did have plans for the placement of all consultancy work with a single provider however, they don't want to transfer noise. Our partnership has also been excellent. We have had the same contact person since 2007. This individual has extensive knowledge, asks excellent critical questions and provides us with valuable input. This only improves the work we do, which is really great!’