Sharing knowledge about noise (18/50)
We want to share what we have learned about noise at M+P with others. Consultants Ard Kuijpers and Suzanne Dijs enthusiastically explain how each of them go about it in their own way. "The beauty is that you see pennies drop.’
Ard Kuijpers: 'As M+P consultants, we are constantly gathering new knowledge on all noise-related matters. We like to share that knowledge with others, so we can learn from each other. We present all our research results in reports, of course, but we also love going the extra mile and explaining things in more detail. This often comes quite naturally when an interested client asks us a question that doesn’t quite fit the scope of the project we were brought in for, which can create an opportunity to delve a little deeper. I’ve given masterclasses to transport companies such as NS, RET and HSL, targeted at both sound experts and laypeople. The beauty is that you see pennies drop on both sides of the table, with new insight paving the way for different, interesting conversations and ideas. When that happens, you draw closer together and start working as partners.’
Close ties with universities
‘We also place great stock in and enjoy keeping in touch with universities, for example in Enschede and Eindhoven, to exchange new knowledge and show students how what they have learned can be put into practice. In the past, I’ve served as a ‘lecturer for a day’, teaching master's students about what role sound plays in designing a road or railroad. I have a PhD and really enjoy giving back to the university in this way. We still have very close ties.’
Fundamentals for new collegues
Suzanne Dijs: 'This year was the first time that I taught a module of a course I took myself when I joined M+P 20 years ago: the post-HBO Environmental Noise [Milieugeluid] course from PAO Techniek en Management. These courses are a great way to learn something new and expand your knowledge, which is very important because there’s no degree programme that trains graduates to do what we do. I’ve noticed that many of the younger colleagues I work with on a daily basis need these modules. Because the modules have been curated by various consultancy firms, they are very practically oriented. M+P has been doing the Acoustic Facilities Construction [Bouw akoestische voorzieningen] module for many years, which ties in nicely with my own work in the field of buildings and the environment.’
Refreshing your own Knowledge
‘I thoroughly enjoyed freshening up my own knowledge in preparing for the module. The corona pandemic gave me the peace of mind I needed to take a deep dive into theory, but it also meant that my part of the course had to be taught online. That was tricky, because you don’t get to interact with all participants. I did adapt the course, adopting a more blended approach, and participants told me afterwards that they had appreciated the large number of exercises. I have more ideas to improve the blend of different learning methods, so I hope that enough new participants will register to warrant teaching this course every year.’